


Every parent has the desire to give their children a good start in their education and personal development. Good early learning programs help children develop their talents and skills in a fun and stimulating way. As centres vary in their mode of operation and standard, parents should evaluate various facilities before deciding who to entrust with their little ones’ care and education. The following guidelines can help in deciding which early learning centre would best meet your kids’ needs.


Qualities to Look for in Early Learning Facilities

● 在早期教育环境下,安全是最基本也是最重要的一点。

Safety is of major importancein an early learning environment


As a parent, you should ensure the centre provides a safe and secure environment for your child to learn and grow. There should be well trained teachers committed to the care of the children and ample supervision both in and outside the classroom setting. Classrooms should be neat and organized and should exude a high safety standard.


● 去参观早教中心的时候,请带上你的孩子,观察他对该中心的各处环境作何反应。

When visiting early learning centres, take your children with you to see how they react to the various environments.


Ask questions about the centre’s policies, teachers’ background and experience, teaching methods, schedule, health care and disciplinary policy and resources to get a clear picture of what they have to offer. Then evaluate how the various centres align with your personal beliefs on educating and rearing your child.



What to Expect from Early Learning Programs?

● 除了课程设置上的差异,早教中心的初衷基本一致——让孩子在激励的环境下学习成长。本着这个原则,我们总结出以下一些优秀早教项目的特征:

Despite the differences in curricula, early learning centres share a common goal – to help children learn and grow in a stimulating environment. With this in mind, here are some common attributes of great early learning programs:

● 小班容量

● 低密度师生配比

● 因材施教,个性化学习和小组活动相结合

● 让孩子和朋友们互动,发展社交技能

● 给孩子提供丰富的素材和资源,保证孩子度过充实的一天

● 能让孩子通过美术,音乐,戏剧等多种途径尝试并表达自己的想法和感受,发展社交技能,发掘个人兴趣

● 利用孩子们的创造及作品为教室设置丰富多彩的陈列,维持一个干净有序,充满鼓励的教室环境

● 阅读和数理贯穿于趣味故事、游戏及各项活动中

● 给予孩子每个个体不同的关注、鼓励及关怀

● 根据科学调查为孩子制定完善的营养计划

● 提供灵活合理的安排,让孩子更容易适应并享受其中

● 塑造快乐健康的孩子,乐于在学校度过每一天


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